
Molar Support Dental Clinic

What is root canal cost?

Budget to save the tooth – What is root canal cost?

RCT – What is root canal cost?

Our teeth comprise three layers, and the innermost layer, called pulp, carries the pain sensation. The innermost layer has the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth. If the tooth decay has not reached the innermost layer, the tooth can be restored with a filling. However, when the pulp gets involved, the only effective solution to save your tooth is root canal treatment. RCT is a safe and painless procedure done to alleviate the pain.

In the information below, we will be discussing the procedure, types, and factors affecting the RCT cost – brought to you by Molar Support Dental Clinic.

Type of RCT – What is root canal cost?

There are two types of RCT based on the number of sittings – single sitting and multiple sitting RCT. The treatment choice differs as per the current condition of your damaged tooth.  

The cost of Root canal treatment depends on various factors:

  • The severity of the case
  • The number of canals
  • The type of tooth
  • The location of the toot

If you are also wondering what is root canal cost, then at Molar Support Dental Clinic, our single-sitting RCT starts at Rs 6500, and repeat RCT starts at RS 10000. All these charges exclude the charges of dental crowns.  

When is RCT indicated?

Deep cavities

The tooth cavity usually starts as a pinpoint lesion in the tooth surface and grows deeper toward the pulp. RCT is indicated when it reaches the pulp and causes excruciating pain

Dental trauma

There are numerous reasons for RCT, but one common indication is a cracked tooth involving the pulp. The tooth can get damaged in road traffic accidents, leading to the brown-black discoloration of the tooth. 

Chipped-off tooth

If you bite on extremely hard food items like walnuts or ice cubes, it can lead to chipping off your tooth or a cracked tooth. It exposes the pulp, leading to increased susceptibility to infection. 

RCT procedure

  • The first step is a detailed clinical and radiological assessment of your tooth by our experts at Molar Support Dental Clinic. Based on the severity and complexity of your case, a customized plan is formulated by our team. 
  • Once we begin the process, the tooth is anesthetized to reduce the chances of any discomfort. 
  • Once the tooth is completely numb, our RCT specialists begin the treatment by opening the tooth to gain access to the pulp.
  • The infected nerves and vessels are removed, and the canal space is thoroughly cleaned.
  • After cleaning and disinfection, the space is sealed with a special material called gutta-percha. This sealing of the tooth prevents reinfection.
  • After RCT, the dental crown is usually planned to restore the structural durability of the tooth.

Aftercare management of RCT  

  • Do not eat till the anesthetic effect is over
  • Maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth
  • Do not use teeth as tools to open packages
  • Do not skip the dental crown after the treatment
  • Do not bite on hard food items  
  • Do not skip the follow-up visits 

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